Many are the athletes who, once it’s time to start college, have to choose between continuing training and competing or attending college and getting a college degree. A very complicated decision that decides the student’s future. For those who are in this place, or may be in the future, we have very good news. Read More
Luis Periel is a guy from Madrid that lived in Spain until he was 18. Once he finished high school he decided to go to the United states to attend university. When he was in high school he played soccer and rugby and he was always a big music fan. When he was 12 he Read More
Student recruitment can be a very exciting and lively thing, but this component of college admission can face lot of challenges. Being able to help and advice a student when searching for a university and/or academic degree is very important, since this choice may mark this person’s future life. But recruiters are facing lot Read More
Do you want to keep studying in Spain but you don’t know in what city or University? It’s time to decide what you want to major in. Beyond choosing what do you want to study you need to pick a university as well as a city where you would want to spend your college career. Read More
What is graduate assistantship? A graduate assistant (GA) is usually someone who serves in a supportive role while completing his or her post graduate education. Usually the person assists the professor with instructional responsibility or helps college coaches with an athletic team. Instead of receiving an hourly wage, graduate assistants are often getting paid in Read More
If you are a basketball player and you want to continue competing at the highest level while attending university at the same time, the United States is great choice! There are thousands of American universities offering athletics scholarships, and in this post, we are going to talk about the top 10 universities to play men’s Read More